Hobby of The Day

Sunday, November 30, 2008


This is what I was busy doing today.

****This is an animated gif****

***Please wait for full loading***

Indian Saloon

Derek: Tambee, dun cut my hair!
Worker: I need your hair off boss, or me no job boss

Worker: Good good, now let me make your hair silky smooth.

New Derek Cheah

As I play...

Mum said I play with

Mum said I play with



Dismantling and clean my psp

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Test test!
Psp still works fine even after removing the faceplate
Primary objective completed

There you can see all the parts needed to be removed
in order to get the faceplate offPsp analog stick

It was my 1st time actually
Phew luckily no screw lost itself

As I clean my room...(5)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Haha, I found this when I cleaning too
(Alex sure has alot of clean, never done)
Anyway its Bday card from Jiunn Terng
No date mia, but i guess it was during 2003 or 2004
That was the time that i actually celebrate bday with friends

My weight's differently distributed???
Forgotten how I actually look d.

Well this fellow is coming home soon
Real soon =)
Ung Jiunn Terng

As I clean my room... (4)

Haha, I found these too
So fond memories (but wth is that??)
This guy used to take my book (often without permission)
and draw his mind out
I guess he had to put it into visuals b4 he forget eh?
Well anyway he's in Singapore now

Will be home soon

Cavan Chiam
Friend since 1997-2008(now)

As I clean my room...(3)

Oh I found this too today
It's my original photocopied certificate
my 'original photocopied certificate'
Well its still original
I had this when I was in form 3 (2002)
Was being promoted to Acting Section Leader at that time

As I clean my room...(2)

As I clean my room today
I saw these
I pair of hand cuffs
Had this short reminiscence
of the times where

Alex was way too young to understand
that once you had these on
Well I was very playful back then
had these on my hands
and lock it tight
took me long hours to get it off
Dad doesnt have the key
that was the reason it was in the house anyway
Dad had to use the soap and lubricants to get my hands off

As I clean my room...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

As I clean my room,
I found a small book
Tho it was scribbled but I could tell
that it was my old monthly report book
My band of coz
Since it was marked by Hun Loon
then it must be year 2002
I was only form 3 that time
Apparently my senior left us
And there were no successor
So I took the job
Did my 1st year real badly tho
Had to face my mistakes and self ego
It was a challenge

But it was such a great time

Busy Days Even After Exam

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gotta deal with house work
Had been cleaning the room for hours!
Since many was left hanging since the exam
Luckily I not work now (no income too)
So I got more time to deal
For example today

1. I had to clean up the pc's messy data (Below)
Parents said we should either give it to the orphans
Let dad bring it over to balai polis to do typing works
Anyhow I gotta clean up the mess
I do wonder how this pc can even withstand
Limewire, Bit Torrent, Finale and Photoshop cs2
Its a real old junk pc d ( I dun have much intimacy with this PC )
I had 2 OS in this PC
both are XP (shame shame)
but apparently one had a hard hit and refuse to start up
And I have sort of a Reformat-phobia
Coz thats the main reason I have 2 OS
I used to have 3-4 OS when I was young
I just dunno how to take them off

2. Deal with my blogs (laptop on the left)
Not just blogs, my songs in my mp3's are a mess
The name have funny code names, incomplete song infos (album,artist etc)
And no artwork too
Not that I care much bout the artworks
I bought that one for its audio quality afterall.

3. Deal with Black and White screen on old TV
If it works, its usable
I bet this TV is even older than I am
Well I was trying to check if I can use it
for my PS2 (I seriously dun mind the small screen)
but the black and white screen during gaming shocked me
Not that it happen on every game
Oh well
If it works, its usable.


I was cleaning up my messy room after one of the busiest sem ever
And I found these
Oh the economic crisis.....
But I do wonder
Dr. Mahatir had sort of a good reputation regardless race and religion
Pak Lah on the other hand
Doesnt seem to go real well
Will he earn himself a badge upon his leave?

Time to Rock On!!

Now that exam is done

It's time to

on medium difficulty :D

The end

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



A Quick Break for Air

Well it any of you guys was pretty surprised
bout the long inactivity of this blog
Well the thing is
I had exams to f*** my brains off
and it is my obligation to proceed

But how I will that this will be through soon
as there are so many things i wish to do once I'm done

Get back to my guitar
which I have yet to memorize most of the chords
and deal with Final Fantasy VI: Decisive Battle
Its a great song, but sadly aint made for freshman like me

I would hope to get back to the timeline once again
Getting sum short videos done
For my personal satisfaction that is

And I want to build up myself too
Having much complains already
My girlfriend...My workplace neighbour...
There are the two people who occationally complained bout my physics
And Cavan too...haha!

I would wan to spend sum quality time too
with my gf
and my friends
and more time at home with my mum
Would hope to bring my gf to the beach
Never actually had the chance since we got together
Its been almost 2 years now

And of course
Spend time with my camera
I was kinda neglecting my camera
For the sake of examination and endless of assignments
But when i have the time
My camera will be by my side