Monkey Beach Trip

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Well last year (Feb 2007), Derek, Jiunn Terng, my gf and I
went hiking at
Pantai Kerachut

This year its goin to be slightly different
we're goin to
Muka Head!! (or Face Kepala)
well we didnt really managed to go so far
we made our last stop at Monkey Beach instead

More people this time tho
You may see some new faces

Lee Wei Tat
Series 50

Yong Hu couldnt make it
due to some unexplained circumstances

But anyway
we have 6 people this time than 4 last year
Sudah maju heo~

-Early in the morning-
-Fall in at checkpoint (Wan Ming's house)-

Before our depart
We ensured than everyone is well equiped
with adequate drinks and foods
Cavan couldnt stand the temptation
and quickly grab a cup of instant mee and suck it in
Driven by temptation
my gf followed his lead
which was later done the same by me
(above) Cups of instant mee

and so we departed...

---3rd person view---
Derek driving the car
Derek: Hmmm, the blue car in front very slow hor...
Cavan: Asyik brake brake wan!! Drifting horr!
Derek: Wei Tat (blue car driver) arrr....

At last, we finally reach the other end of the

This are not fishing boats, these are tourist boats.

The adventure will lead by none other than
the man with superior leadership
Cavan Chiam (front line)
I'm sure you know this guy
The 'Penang Road's Bufflalo Penis Soup Stall' guy
Check the previous post to see him posing

which will be later followed up byDerek Cheah

(left) Jiunn Terng
(right) Wei Tat

My gf

and lastly
me myself

-On our way into-
---Muka Head---

It sure looks slightly different compared to last time
Wood must be very cheap
We crossed many
Wooden bridges
Wooden stairs
Many wooden
As you can see, we bump ourselves
onto a group of tourists
We were even mistaken as part of the tour

The traveling was pretty slow with the heavy traffic by tourist
Cavan stood on the road
Guiding and leading us to our way

Cavan: Okok guys, move ahead. Girls you can come with me.
(Hahaha. Jk jk! =P)

Fishermen collecting their catch
-Ikan bilis-

I seriously have no idea wth is this
Pineapple? Palm tree? Lamp post??
I'm so urban O_o"

---Rest time---

OMG, water! We found water!! Derek pointing at a boat at a distance
Wei Tat: Let us shout for help!

We're at Monkey BeachAs the name said it, monkeys everywhere
and here you can see
A monkey did some sort of prehistoric
"anal massaging"


This pic sure looks like
Cavan holding on
A falling meteorite
Composed of sand

True Image
Cavan perform some sort of
A hand stand?

Monkeys were very excited to welcome Cavan's presense
The little guy on the left even ate Satays
As it enjoys Cavan's act

Cavan: Are you ready?!!!!

Cavan: Witness my power!!
Weee! Cavan attempted to fly I think.
Three monkeys on the left of the pic
Draws close to take a closer look
PhotobucketPhotobucketHe did fall down once tho.
Cavan resisting the pain down his ass.
The pain must have spilt his ass wide open.

But pain does not stop his raging determination
He continues to force his ass to spilt further

Wei Tat in his attempt to dig a hole...

To play some sand golf.

Our leader refuse to give up
He continues to spilt his ass, single handedly

The three monkeys ran away

Me attempting to carry Ai Theng.

She jumped so low on me
that we end up lying down on the sand
Ai Theng hugging on a piece of rock

There you have it
Monkey Beach Trip

And yea, Derek found this on the ground
what sharp eyes
Its a 1gb sd card for camera!

We were trying to see what pictures where stored in there
To see if there were
Murder pictures
Ghost pictures
Naughty picture

We end up finding...


Phew! and Aihhh.......
We were filled with both relief and disapointment

Jiunn Terng and Wei Tat gazing at our 'beautiful beaches'

(Ceh! Derek kept 100 plus in his bag)


Thank you for reading!