For those who does not know who this hero is...its alrite. In fact, he has many names. Original name was Kamen Rider and was internationally known as Masked Rider. But the problem is.........his third signature name...was in fact more famous than its international name....for Malaysians of coz. The next major problem is......his third signature name does not portrait his personality in any sense you see it. For those who does not know...allow me to break this up.
.................................so........what is this..........BAJA HITAM........If you still do not have a single idea of what this is.......then shall I describe further.....
BAJA in fact is Fertilizer and HITAM means Black (You know, black colour).......
So does he symbolize Black Fertilizer in any way???? Does he even save the ecosystem??? The plants???? No! So why Baja Hitam??? This case was in fact closed and was never told.
It still remains a mystery up till today.....

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