Alex Aware Section- Nintendo Vii???

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This is Nintendo Wii. The winner of the triple threat console wars between itself and the two giant console, the Playstation 3 and the Xbox360.

This is Nintendo Vii (Fake Nintendo Wii), a proud product by China.

Pack with a mini size circuit built-in the Nintendo Vii and also a built-in 12 games (Woooww, built in game~!! Nintendo Vii got built in~!!). The shocking news is, this dog crap markets itself through television advertisements. Check youtube, you'll know.

Oh yea, when I mention "mini-size-circuit", it is small. Though the case..........or container is big, the circuit izzint. It's just the size of a tv remote, with some NES graphics. And blueray dics, hdvd, dvd, vcd, or pcd. Just 12 games. What a joke...


shauvik said...

ossom cool best i like vii better wii oh rather it is confusing well if you ask me i woul say you buy it as it has good games but overall vii is s-h-i-t it is a copy cat c-o-p-y c-a-t