Hello, and welcome to my Mlitary Training session. This is basic and is not meant for professional marchers so they could march to me and throw bad responses that will march from my throat down to my gut, coz this is basic. So keep that in mind.

So for start, a simple exercise is essential. Get stretch, get those muscles ready on the move. Yeah! Gaya militari is cool here, so dun be shy and scream your hearts out.
Now on with the stance. Military training aint easy. One has to adapt into temperory downgrading his highly extremely god gifted intelligent and become temporary....robot-like. Accept as you are allow, deny if it is permissible. Ants could not unite if each moves different paths.
Perut sentiasa masuk, Dada sentiasa keluar. Translation: Stomach in, chest out.

When marching, it is important to remember that elbows does not exist here. You can either tie them up, or remove them via surgery. The best way is just forget that it even exist.
Dun forget exercising. Being fit is all it takes to get a step further to become the shaman of sexy. Get buff, get fit and get tight!

Yes, you completed the basic tutorial of Military Training. Thank you and wish you luck.

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