The day is 15th June 2008. Today marks an important event where the rakyat of Penang can meet with the leaders of the party who has brought to the tremor to the government set since 50 years ago, the Barisan National (BN). Malay, Chinese and even Indians turned up on this day.
I rushed to City Stadium as soon as I got off from work. I missed the 1st hour of the speech but I managed to listen speeches from the giants of the party; Anwar, Lim Kit Siang and also Lim Guan Eng, the Chief Minister of Penang.
Well actually, I did heard from a representative from PAS. He mentioned about a man who has apparently made a police report, accusing the Pakatan Rakyat for not fulfilling all the Rakyat's wishes which was promised to be fulfilled before the election. He said
"Kami, Pakatan Rakyat baru mentadbir selama 3 bulan selepas kemenangan pilihan raya. Mana boleh memenuhi semua hasrat rakyat? Mengandung pun kena 9 bulan la"
Everyone laughed out loud.
Actually there are few significant phases brought out by these leaders. I cant remember all of them, but I try to write as much as I could remember.
Dato' Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim
- "Ini BN ar...tak tau ekonomi"
- "Kerajaan kata, kenaikan harga ini adalah untuk menentang inflasi"
-"You suruh menteri BN pergi beli tepung, tuan kedai pun sanggup tak nak jual"
He talks alot, gave alot of economic-based lectures. Too much so I couldnt remember much.
YAB CM Lim Guan Eng
- "BN=Barang Naik"
- "Malaysia has the highest increment percentage of oil price compared to all oil producing country in the world"
- "This big news earns itself in the Guinness Book Of Records"
-"Kamu semua Tuan saya, I am here to serve the Penang citizen"
-"Bila saya menjadi CM Penang, saya menolak semua order kereta kepada saya. Biar kereta lama, boleh pakai sudahlah"
-"Kenaikan harga minyak petrol tidak harus menjadi suatu hukuman atau balasan dendam kepada rakyat yang telah membuat keputusan"
hey. haha. yea, i rmbr u. hey, i tot u were in usm?
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