Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, heroes and heroines, superstar and superheros. It doesnt matter who you are, you deserve something good in life that only you can get, a meal. Cmon, dun ever see this as joke. Imagine yourself in a position where you cant even raise a spoon and pour the delicious soup onto your delicate sensitive tougue. So heavenly felt as you let it flow along your throat as you close your eyes. And with a soft moan, you say......"Yummm....good stuff". Take this as something to be happy about. Plants cant be as lucky as you, and fish can only dream of stepping into the restaurant, because once they do, they'll be long gone.
So why this is one fine place to dine it. As a start, good service. Sri Ananda Bahwan has one of the most ethical workers excluding McD, KFC or other international fast food restaurant. I would give even higher credit to Sri Ananda over Kayu.
Next, let us look at the environment. Unique cottage style design giving it a very unusual feel, esp when you have foods such as Roti Canai, Tandoori Chicken or Nasi Masala on the table. But it gets comfortable faster before you could imagine. Small fountains are placed at the side of the restaurant, assisting our mind to rest and away from stress and pressure.
Move on lastly, the food. Very good food, indeed. I cant rate it as the best yet in Penang or Malaysia, but it can put a real good fight with its competitors. Its price of food is also under control (Roti Canai is still at RM0.80 when others has already placed it at RM1.00 or more), and this is important. Customers appreciate the effort and this promotes loyatly.
Oh yeah, hygeine is also another key. I am impressed also, as many restaurants in penang especially tend to ignore the dressing system. They either refuse to follow them, or they just wear like a slacker. Sri Ananda's employees are well attired, clean and well manner in the kitchen too. In other restaurants, you can see them sneeze, wipe their nose, mess up their hairs, scratch their armpits, dig their nose, spit etc. In here, you can hardly raise any critics, as there are none. At least to me.
Sri Ananda Bahwan deserves a good recognition nationwide. The internationally famous McD and KFC and even Subways, were all started as small roadside restaurants, until they become as they are today. So why not Sri Ananda??? I am satisfied with its services and positives features, and I would spend my way down from Georgetown to Sri Ananda because I feel every penny I spend here is worth it. This is a very good restaurant, and every penangite must try.
yes sri ananda.. stuff near my house is guaranteed good!
Yerrr, action.......mine and peter's house mia oso good...but tutup d...Errmm, ours wan got ppl kencing at the wall wan... hahahha!
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